Holy Cross is wishing the best of luck to our Coyotes who are participating in todays LSAA Cross Country Run. Go Coyotes Go!
over 1 year ago, Rachelle Poirier
Cross Country
Just a reminder there is no school tomorrow. See you Tuesday, October 3rd
over 1 year ago, Rachelle Poirier
No School Monday
LCSD Board Trustee Diane Bauer shares some of the upcoming events in this month's Trustee Corner! You can watch the full video at the link below: https://youtu.be/uCI7nShGlAQ
over 1 year ago, Lakeland Catholic School Division
Hands typing on keyboard
Weekly Email
over 1 year ago, Rachelle Poirier
Just a reminder there is no school this Friday or Monday! Friday teachers will be engaged in PD and Monday is in lieu of Truth & Reconciliation Day. Enjoy your extra long weekend and we will see you Tuesday, October 3rd.
over 1 year ago, Rachelle Poirier
No School
Holy Cross is wishing the best of luck to our Coyotes who are participating in todays LSAA Mountain Bike Race. Go Coyotes Go!
over 1 year ago, Rachelle Poirier
Mountain Bike
Yesterday, our staff and students were blessed to hear and witness Indigenous traditions and stories during a presentation by the Kehewin Native Dance Theatre. Visit the link below to view more photos from this incredible performance: https://www.lrcssd.ca/o/lcsd/page/photo-galleries
over 1 year ago, Lakeland Catholic School Division
Hoop dancer performing
Indigenous dancer in Regalia gasping with eyes wide
Indigenous dancer performing
Yesterday Holy Cross recognized The Day of Truth & Reconciliation in our school. Students were blessed with an amazing production from the Kehewin Dancers. Classes also worked on activities and watched videos about why the day is an important part of our Canadian history.
over 1 year ago, Rachelle Poirier
Our on-line payment option is under construction. We will let you know when it is back up and running. If you have school fees, pre-school fees or other payments , you can still pay in the office by cheque, cash or debit. Thank you for understanding.
over 1 year ago, Rachelle Poirier
over 1 year ago, Rachelle Poirier
PSP Day Camp
Lakeland Catholic is hiring Non Certified Classroom Supervisors. Join our dynamic school division! Visit the link for more information: https://5il.co/25nvy
over 1 year ago, Lakeland Catholic School Division
blue background with yellow box with text: we are hiring
Mrs. MacNiven's kindergarten class enjoyed learning about bus safety last week. They especially liked practicing how to exit the bus in an emergency.
over 1 year ago, Rachelle Poirier
Kinder Bus
Kinder Bus
Kinder Bus
Kinder Bus
Kinder Bus
Kinder Bus
Kinder Bus
Kinder Bus
Schools across Lakeland Catholic collected donations and hit the trails for their annual Terry Fox fundraisers. https://www.lrcssd.ca/o/lcsd/page/photo-galleries
over 1 year ago, Lakeland Catholic School Division
Three students posing for a photo with signs
Students walking out of building
Students sitting in assembly
Students walking on track
Change in our Mercy Day: We have moved Mercy Day to September 26th. Please bring $1 for our Foster Child Mercy Manzi. Wear your Orange Shirt in lieu of Truth & Reconciliation Day. Thank you for your support.
over 1 year ago, Rachelle Poirier
Orange Shirt Day
Mercy Day
Just a reminder tomorrow is Picture Day!
over 1 year ago, Rachelle Poirier
Picture Day
What is coming up next week at Holy Cross...
over 1 year ago, Rachelle Poirier
Triple-Ball Season Student meeting will be at 1st recess on September 25 in the Chapel Tryouts for grade 5 and 6 students (both boys and girls) will be: Thursday, September 28th @ 3:30 - 4:30pm Tuesday, October 3rd @ 3:30 - 4:30
over 1 year ago, Rachelle Poirier
Get a sneak peek at the latest news from Lakeland Catholic School Division's Regular Board Meeting through the Board Spotlight! Check it out at the link below: https://5il.co/25gls
over 1 year ago, Lakeland Catholic School Division
spotlight pointing on word spotlight
Student learning is on a roll! This week, our Kindergarten students learned all about bus safety from Safely On Board. Check out the full photo gallery at the link below: https://www.lrcssd.ca/o/lcsd/page/photo-galleries
over 1 year ago, Lakeland Catholic School Division
students in the classroom listening to a bus safety presentation
students listening to a bus safety presentation outside by a school bus
students walking beside a parked bus
Student jumping out of the back of a school bus
Thank you Imperial Cold Lake! Through their financial support for the 2023-24 school year, our Mental Heath Matters Program will continue to support our students by increasing awareness, reducing stigma, and promoting mental wellness! Mental Health Matters at Lakeland Catholic Schools!
over 1 year ago, Lakeland Catholic School Division
Group of people posing for photo